Bagarre à la sortie de la messe dominicale à Notre-Dame
LEMONDE.FR avec Reuters 22.03.09 15h54 • Mis à jour le 22.03.09 19h33
Une bagarre opposant une trentaine de militants écologistes et communistes et des militants d'extrême droite a eu lieu, dimanche 22 mars à l'église Notre-Dame de Paris, à la sortie de la messe dominicale. Une distribution de préservatifs sur le parvis de la cathédrale, organisée à l'occasion du week-end du Sidaction, était à l'origine du différend entre les deux groupes. Selon les autorités, "une vingtaine de jeunes affiliés à l'extrême droite", brandissant des pancartes "Touche pas à mon pape" ont tenté de mettre un terme à l'opération, provoquant des échauffourées. Au final, une personne a été blessée et onze autres ont été interpellées. Selon des responsables communistes, sept d'entre eux seraient des militants d'extrême-droite qui ont frappé un conseiller général et une jeune sympathisante.
Dans le même temps, des membres d'Act-Up se sont couchés sur le parvis de Notre-Dame pour protester contre les propos du pape sur le préservatif. Equipés de portraits géants de Benoît XVI barrés de la mention "Benoît XVI assassin", une vingtaine de personnes se sont allongées, perturbant également la sortie de la messe en criant des slogans comme "la capote, c'est la vie, le pape l'interdit". Le pape avait estimé, avant son départ pour l'Afrique, que leur distribution n'était pas un moyen de lutte contre le sida mais qu'elle "aggravait" au contraire le problème.Là aussi, des incidents ont opposé les manifestants à des jeunes catholiques venus protester contre leur mise en scène. Ils s'en sont alors pris verbalement aux militants d'Act-Up, en criant "Act-up assassin" tout en chantant des cantiques en latin.
La secrétaire nationale des Verts, Cécile Duflot, a réagi en se disant "scandalisée". "Au-delà de la condamnation des propos du pape, je pense que des actions d'information non-violentes et de contestation de cette prise de position sont non seulement utiles mais nécessaires", a-t-elle affirmé, estimant que cette affaire "n'est pas anecdotique". Le mouvement des Jeunes Verts a annoncé qu'il a déposé deux plaintes suites à ces incidents.Ian Brossat, président du groupe communiste au Conseil de Paris, a assuré que son parti ne se laissera "pas impressionner par ces tentatives d'intimidation". "Nous poursuivrons notre mobilisation face à tous ceux qui, par leurs propos irresponsables, contribuent, de fait, à l'extension de l'épidémie", a-t-il ajouté.
domingo, 22 de março de 2009
segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009
Why it is important to defend the SSHRC
In an age where business, management and administration graduates, Ph.Ds and scholars have shown poverty of insight in administering public and private wealth, lack of ethical commitment beyond the quick gains of capital markets, and contempt for the economic prosperity of the general public enshrined in their social, educational and white-collar crime police programs, it is imperative that SSHRC funding for non-business related degrees be not only maintained, but increased.
In addition, business-related degrees must be subjected to inclusion of humanities electives, given by humanities scholars, whose aim will be to expose business degree students to critical political thought and the catastrophes that their field has contributed to in the past two centuries.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s March 2 appearance on CNN extolling the virtues of Canada’s welfare state is an affront to public sensibilities that have experienced the neoliberal business focused policies he and his government have waged since coming to power.
Non-business sectors of humanities research must refuse to share any part of the blame for the business prompted mess the world economy now faces.
N.B. I do NOT receive a SSHRC grant.
To the House of Commons in Parliament AssembledWe, the undersigned residents of Canada, wish to bring to yourattention the following: For more than thirty years, the Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil (SSHRC) has been promoting and supporting university-basedresearch and training in the humanities and social sciences. SSHRCfunding has been used to complete ground breaking research in countlessareas in Canada and around the world.
The Federal Budget presented on January 27th contains a sentence thathas the potential to halt this kind of research: “Scholarships grantedby the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council will be focusedon business-related degrees�. These measures are backward and insulting to the thousands of Canadiansthat are students and researchers in the social sciences and humanities.
THEREFORE, we petitioners are calling upon the government to removethis sentence from the 2009 Budget and ensure that SSHRC funding not beallocated to one specific discipline but to the range of studies in thesocial sciences and humanities
to sign:
In addition, business-related degrees must be subjected to inclusion of humanities electives, given by humanities scholars, whose aim will be to expose business degree students to critical political thought and the catastrophes that their field has contributed to in the past two centuries.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s March 2 appearance on CNN extolling the virtues of Canada’s welfare state is an affront to public sensibilities that have experienced the neoliberal business focused policies he and his government have waged since coming to power.
Non-business sectors of humanities research must refuse to share any part of the blame for the business prompted mess the world economy now faces.
N.B. I do NOT receive a SSHRC grant.
To the House of Commons in Parliament AssembledWe, the undersigned residents of Canada, wish to bring to yourattention the following: For more than thirty years, the Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil (SSHRC) has been promoting and supporting university-basedresearch and training in the humanities and social sciences. SSHRCfunding has been used to complete ground breaking research in countlessareas in Canada and around the world.
The Federal Budget presented on January 27th contains a sentence thathas the potential to halt this kind of research: “Scholarships grantedby the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council will be focusedon business-related degrees�. These measures are backward and insulting to the thousands of Canadiansthat are students and researchers in the social sciences and humanities.
THEREFORE, we petitioners are calling upon the government to removethis sentence from the 2009 Budget and ensure that SSHRC funding not beallocated to one specific discipline but to the range of studies in thesocial sciences and humanities
to sign:
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